TC Check Tools is used to check all simplified Chinese characters and defined SC expressions or terms which are common-seen errors in Traditional Chinese (TC) projects. To find out these SC characters, you may have to switch to different OS or customer’s products to perform check, but you may have lots of TC projects every day, it is will be time consuming to switch to different OS and make it impossible to do this check.To find out SC expression or terms from TC projects, translator shall be well-trained in the translation of TC projects, but if you have no in-house TC language experts, how could you manage the quality of TC projects? Through the Tools, you can significantly streamline the quality management of TC projects without entrusting the third party to make the evaluation.
Possible Application
QA of Traditional Chinese projects, Evaluation quality of TC projects against vendor, Training of the new TC translator
Supported File Format
*.txt;*.doc; *.docx, *.docm;*.xls; *.xlsx; *.xlsm;*.ppt; * pptx; *.pptm
For any native file formats of CAT, you may save the bilingual file to target files or convert them to *.txt file by Xbench.